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6.122. Ist denn der, der tot war, und den Wir dann lebendig gemacht und dem Wir ein Licht gegeben haben, worin er unter den Menschen geht, wie einer, dessen Gleichnis das jemandes ist, der sich in Finsternissen befindet, aus denen er nicht herauskommen kann? So ist den Ungläubigen ausgeschmückt, was sie zu tun pflegten.

[ alAn'am:122 ]

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Alle Suren anzeigen | Ansicht von Surah alGinn (72)  Ayah: 15


Medina-Musshaf Seite 573

Mehr Übersetzungen

Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

72.15. Waama alqasituuna fakanuulidschahannama hataban

72.15. And as for those who are unjust, they are firewood for hell. (Pickthall)

72.15. Und was die Abschweifer angeht, so sind sie für die Hölle Brennholz", (Ahmad v. Denffer)

72.15. Was aber die (vom rechten Weg) Abschweifenden angeht, so werden sie Brennholz für die Hölle sein. (Bubenheim)

72.15. Diejenigen aber, die vom rechten Weg abgewichen sind, werden der Brennstoff der Hölle sein. (Azhar)

72.15. Und hinsichtlich der Ungerechten, so sind sie für Dschahannam Brennholz.“ (Zaidan)

72.15. Mit denjenigen aber, die vom rechten Weg abweichen, wird (dereinst) die Hölle geheizt. " (Paret)

72.15. Diejenigen, die aber vom rechten Wege abweichen, werden Brennstoff der Dschahannam sein. (Rasul)

72.15. Diejenigen (jedoch), die vom geraden Weg abweichen, werden (dereinst) zum Brennstoff der Hölle verkommen. (Périsset)

Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 10 bis 15

And that: "We did not know whether some evil was intended for the dwellers of the earth or their Lord wanted to show them the right way." ( 10 ) And that: "Some of us are righteous, while some are otherwise. We follow different ways." ( 11 ) And that: "We thought"that we could neither frustrate Allah in the earth nor frustrate Him by flight." ( 12 ) And that: "As soon as we heard the message of guidance, we believed in it. Now whoever believes in his Lord, will have neither fear of loss nor of injustice. ( 13 ) And that: "Some of us are Muslims (submissive to Allah) and some deviators from the Truth. Those who have adopted Islam (the way of submission) have found the way to salvation, and those who have deviated from the Truth, will become fuel for Hell." ( 14 )

Desc No: 10
This shows that such extraordinary measures were adopted in the heavens only on two kinds of occasions: first, when Allah might decide to inflict the dwellers of the earth with a torment, and the Divine will might be that before it was actually inflicted the jinn might not know and convey its news to warn their friendly human beings of the impending disaster. Second, that Allah might appoint a Messenger on the earth, and strict security measures might be adopted so that neither the messages being conveyed to him be interfered with by the satans nor should they be able to know beforehand what instructions were being given to the Messenger. Thus, the saying of the jinn means: "When we noticed that strict security measures had been adopted in the heavens for the safeguard of the news, and the meteorites were being showered profusely, we wanted to know which of the two things had happened: whether Allah had caused a torment to descend suddenly on some people of the earth, or a Messenger had been raised somewhere on the earth. We were on the lookout for the same when we heard the wonderful Revelation, which guides to the Right Path, and we came to know that Allah had not sent down a torment but had raised a Messenger to show the Right Way to the people." For further explanation, see E.N.'s 8 to 12 of Al-Hijr, E.N. 7 of ASSaaffat, E.N. I 1 of Al-Mulk). 

Desc No: 11
That is, "Morally also there are good and bad jinn among us, and from the viewpoint of creed as well all do not follow one and the same religion, but we are divided into different groups." With these words the believing jinn want to convince the other jinn of their community that they certainly stood in need of finding out the right way and could not dispense with this need. 

Desc No: 12
That is, "We were led by this very idea to the way of success. As we were not fearless of Allah and we believed that we would not be able to avoid His punishment if we disobeyed Him, so when we heard the Divine Revelation that had been sent to show the right way, we could not have the courage and boldness to persist in the beliefs that our foolish people had spread among us, afar we had known the truth. " 

Desc No: 13
"Fear of loss": fear of being given a lesser reward than what one actually deserves for one's good deeds, and "injustice" that one may be deprived of the reward for the good deeds done but duly punished for the errors committed or punished innocent; no believer has any fear of such an injustice from Allah. 

Desc No: 14
Here, one may ask: when, according to the Qur'an, the jinn have been created from the fire, what harm can the fire of Hell do them? The answer is: Even according to the Qur'an, man has been created out of the earth; why does then man feel hurt when a clod of earth is thrown at him? The truth is that although the whole body of man has been made from the earthly substances, when a living man of flesh and blood is moulded from them he becomes an entirely different thing from those substances; then other things made from the same substances become a means of causing harm to him. Likewise, although the jinn also have been created from the fire, when a living and sentient creation has been made from it, the same fire becomes a means of causing harm and hurt for it. (For further explanation, see E.N. 15 of Surah Ar-Rahman). 

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