 52.22. Und Wir versorgen sie reichlich mit Früchten und Fleisch von dem, was sie begehren. [ atTur:22 ]
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Band: 1, Buch: 12, Nummer: 783 |
Narrated Al-Bara':
The time taken by the Prophet in prostrations, bowing, and the sitting interval between the two prostrations was about the same.
Band: 1, Buch: 12, Nummer: 784 |
Narrated Thabit:
Anas said, "I will leave no stone unturned in making you offer the prayer as I have seen the Prophet making us offer it." Anas used to do a thing which I have not seen you doing. He used to stand after the bowing for such a long time that one would think that he had forgotten (the prostrations) and he used to sit in-between the prostrations so long that one would think that he had forgotten the second prostration.
Band: 1, Buch: 12, Nummer: 785 |
Narrated Anas bin Malik:
The Prophet said, "Be straight in the prostrations and none of you should put his forearms on the ground (in the prostration) like a dog."
Band: 1, Buch: 12, Nummer: 786 |
Narrated Malik bin Huwairith Al-Laithi:
I saw the Prophet praying and in the odd Rakat, he used to sit for a moment before getting up.
Band: 1, Buch: 12, Nummer: 787 |
Narrated Aiyub:
Abu Qilaba said, "Malik bin Huwairith came to us and led us in the prayer in this mosque of ours and said, 'I lead you in prayer but I do not want to offer the prayer but just to show you how Allah's Apostle performed his prayers." I asked Abu Qilaba, "How was the prayer of Malik bin Huwairith?" He replied, "Like the prayer of this Sheikh of ours-- i.e. 'Amr bin Salima." That Sheikh used to pronounce the Takbir perfectly and when he raised his head from the second prostration he would sit for a while and then support himself on the ground and get up.
Band: 1, Buch: 12, Nummer: 788 |
Narrated Said bin Al-Harith:
Abu Said led us in the prayer and said the Takbir aloud on arising from the prostration, and on prostrating, on rising again, and on getting up from the second Rak'a. Abu Said said, "I saw the Prophet doing the same."
Band: 1, Buch: 12, Nummer: 789 |
Narrated Mutarrif:
'Imran and I prayed behind 'Ali bin Abi Talib and he said Takbir on prostrating, on rising and on getting up after the two Rakat (i.e. after the second Rak'a). When the prayer was finished, 'Imran took me by the hand and said, "He ('Ali) has prayed the prayer of Muhammad" (or said, "He made us remember the prayer of Muhammad)."
Band: 1, Buch: 12, Nummer: 790 |
Narrated Abdullah bin 'Abdullah:
I saw 'Abdullah bin 'Umar crossing his legs while sitting in the prayer and I, a mere youngster in those days, did the same. Ibn 'Umar forbade me to do so, and said, "The proper way is to keep the right foot propped up and bend the left in the prayer." I said questioningly, "But you are doing so (crossing the legs)." He said, "My feet cannot bear my weight."
Band: 1, Buch: 12, Nummer: 791 |
Narrated Muhammad bin 'Amr bin 'Ata':
I was sitting with some of the companions of Allah's Apostle and we were discussing about the way of praying of the Prophet. Abu Humaid As-Saidi said, "I remember the prayer of Allah's Apostle better than any one of you. I saw him raising both his hands up to the level of the shoulders on saying the Takbir; and on bowing he placed his hands on both knees and bent his back straight, then he stood up straight from bowing till all the vertebrate took their normal positions. In prostrations, he placed both his hands on the ground with the forearms away from the ground and away from his body, and his toes were facing the Qibla. On sitting In the second Rak'a he sat on his left foot and propped up the right one; and in the last Rak'a he pushed his left foot forward and kept the other foot propped up and sat over the buttocks "
Band: 1, Buch: 12, Nummer: 792 |
Narrated Abdullah bin Buhaina:
(he was from the tribe of Uzd Shan'u'a and was the ally of the tribe of 'Abdul-Manaf and was one of the companions of the Prophet): Once the Prophet led us in the Zuhr prayer and stood up after the second Rak'a and did not sit down. The people stood up with him. When the prayer was about to end and the people were waiting for him to say the Taslim, he said Takbir while sitting and prostrated twice before saying the Taslim and then he said the Taslim."
Band: 1, Buch: 12, Nummer: 793 |
Narrated Abdullah bin Malik bin Buhaina:
Once Allah's Apostle led us in the Zuhr prayer and got up (after the prostrations of the second Rak'a) although he should have sat (for the Tashah-hud). So at the end of the prayer, he prostrated twice while sitting (prostrations of Sahu).
Band: 1, Buch: 12, Nummer: 794 |
Narrated Shaqlq bin Salama:
'Abdullah said, "Whenever we prayed behind the Prophet we used to recite (in sitting) 'Peace be on Gabriel, Michael, peace be on so and so. Once Allah's Apostle looked back at us and said, 'Allah Himself is As-Salam (Peace), and if anyone of you prays then he should say, At-Tahiyatu lil-lahi wassalawatu wat-taiyibatu. AsSalamu 'alalika aiyuha-n-Nabiyu wa rahmatu-l-lahi wa barakatuhu. As-Salam alaina wa ala ibadil-lah is-salihin. (All the compliments, prayers and good things are due to Allah: peace be on you, O Prophet and Allah's mercy and blessings be on you. Peace be on us an on the true pious slaves of Allah). (If you say that, it will be for all the slaves in the heaven and the earth). Ash-hadu an la-ilaha illa-l-lahu wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan 'abduhu wa Rasuluhu. (I testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and I also testify that Muhammad is His slave and His Apostle)."