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Band: 2, Buch: 26, Nummer: 769 |
Narrated Nafi':
Ibn 'Umar used to send his Hadi from Jam' (to Mina) in the last third of the night with the pilgrims amongst whom there were free men and slaves, till it was taken into the Manhar (slaughtering place) of the Prophet .
Band: 2, Buch: 26, Nummer: 770 |
Narrated Sahl bin Bakkar:
The narration of Anas abridged, saying, "The Prophet slaughtered seven Budn (camels) while standing, with his own hands. On the day of 'Id-ul-Adha he slaughtered (sacrificed) two horned rams, black and white in color.
Band: 2, Buch: 26, Nummer: 771 |
Narrated Zaid bin Jubair:
I saw Ibn 'Umar passing by a man who had made his Badana sit to slaughter it. Ibn 'Umar said, "Slaughter it while it is standing with one leg tied up as is the tradition of Muhammad."
Band: 2, Buch: 26, Nummer: 772 |
Narrated Anas :
The Prophet offered four Rakat of Zuhr prayer at Medina; and two Rakat of 'Asr prayer at Dhul-hulaifa and spent the night there and when (the day) dawned, he mounted his Mount and started saying, "None has the right to be worshipped but Allah, and Glorified be Allah." When he reached Al-Baida' he recited Talbiya for both Hajj and 'Umra. And when he arrived at Mecca, he ordered them (his companions) to finish their Ihram. The Prophet slaughtered seven Budn (camel) with his own hands while the camels were standing He also sacrificed two horned rams (black and white in color) at Medina.
Band: 2, Buch: 26, Nummer: 773 |
Narrated Anas bin Malik:
The Prophet (p.b.u.h) offered four Rakat of Zuhr prayer at Medina and two Rakat of 'Asr prayer at Dhul-Hulaifa.
Band: 2, Buch: 26, Nummer: 774 |
Narrated Ali:
The Prophet sent me to supervise the (slaughtering of) Budn (Hadi camels) and ordered me to distribute their meat, and then he ordered me to distribute their covering sheets and skins. 'All added, "The Prophet ordered me to supervise the slaughtering (of the Budn) and not to give anything (of their bodies) to the butcher as wages for slaughtering."
Band: 2, Buch: 26, Nummer: 775 |
Narrated Ali:
The Prophet ordered me to supervise the (slaughtering) of Budn (Hadi camel) and to distribute their meat, skins and covering sheets in charity and not to give anything (of their bodies) to the butcher as wages for slaughtering.
Band: 2, Buch: 26, Nummer: 776 |
Narrated Ali:
The Prophet offered one hundred Budn as Hadi and ordered me to distribute their meat (in charity) and I did so. Then he ordered me to distribute their covering sheets in charity and I did so. Then he ordered me to distribute their skins in charity and I did so.
Band: 2, Buch: 26, Nummer: 777 |
Narrated Ibn Juraij:
'Ata' said, "I heard Jabir bin 'Abdullah saying, 'We never ate the meat of the Budn for more than three days of Mina. Later, the Prophet gave us permission by saying: 'Eat and take (meat) with you. So we ate (some) and took (some) with us.' " I asked 'Ata', "Did Jabir say (that they went on eating the meat) till they reached Medina?" 'Ata' replied, "No."
Band: 2, Buch: 26, Nummer: 778 |
Narrated Amra:
I heard 'Aisha saying, "We set out (from Medina) along with Allah's Apostle five days before the end of Dhul-Qa'da with the intention of performing Hajj only. When we approached Mecca, Allah's Apostle ordered those who had no Hadi along with them to finish the lhram after performing Tawaf of the Ka'ba, (Safa and Marwa). 'Aisha added, "Beef was brought to us on the Day of Nahr and I said, 'What is this?' Somebody said, 'The Prophet has slaughtered (cows) on behalf of his wives.' "
Band: 2, Buch: 26, Nummer: 779 |
Narrated Ibn Abbas:
The Prophet was asked about a person who had his head shaved before slaughtering (his Hadi) (or other similar ceremonies of Hajj). He replied, "There is no harm, there is no harm."
Band: 2, Buch: 26, Nummer: 780 |
Narrated Ibn Abbas:
A man said to the Prophet "I performed the Tawaf-al-Ifada before the Rami (throwing pebbles at the Jamra)." The Prophet replied, "There is no harm." The man said, "I had my head shaved before slaughtering." The Prophet replied, "There is no harm." He said, "I have slaughtered the Hadi before the Rami." The Prophet replied, "There is no harm."