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 Buch: Pilgrimmage (Hajj)
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Ansicht der Ahadith 205-216 von 235 Ahadith, Seite 18/20


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Band: 2, Buch: 26, Nummer: 793
Narrated  Abdullah bin 'Amr bin Al-'As:

I witnessed the Prophet when he was delivering the sermon on the Day of Nahr. A man stood up and said, "I thought that such and such was to be done before such and such. I got my hair shaved before slaughtering." (Another said), "I slaughtered the Hadi before doing the Rami." So, the people asked about many similar things. The Prophet said, "Do it (now) and there is no harm in all these cases." Whenever the Prophet was asked about anything on that day, he replied, "Do it (now) and there is no harm in it."

Band: 2, Buch: 26, Nummer: 794
Narrated  Abdullah bin 'Amr bin Al-'As:

Allah's Apostle stopped while on his she-camel (the subnarrator then narrated the Hadith as above, i.e. 793).

Band: 2, Buch: 26, Nummer: 795
Narrated  Ikrima:

Ibn Abbas said: "Allah's Apostle delivered a sermon on the Day of Nahr, and said, 'O people! (Tell me) what is the day today?' The people replied, 'It is the forbidden (sacred) day.' He asked again, 'What town is this?' They replied, 'It is the forbidden (Sacred) town.' He asked, 'Which month is this?' They replied, 'It is the forbidden (Sacred) month.' He said, 'No doubt! Your blood, your properties, and your honor are sacred to one another like the sanctity of this day of yours, in this (sacred) town (Mecca) of yours, in this month of yours.' The Prophet repeated his statement again and again. After that he raised his head and said, 'O Allah! Haven't conveyed (Your Message) to them'. Haven't I conveyed Your Message to them?' " Ibn Abbas added, "By Him in Whose Hand my soul is, the following was his will (Prophet's will) to his followers:--It is incumbent upon those who are present to convey this information to those who are absent Beware don't renegade (as) disbelievers (turn into infidels) after me, Striking the necks (cutting the throats) of one another.' "

Band: 2, Buch: 26, Nummer: 796
Narrated Ibn Abbas:

I heard the Prophet delivering a sermon at 'Arafat.

Band: 2, Buch: 26, Nummer: 797
Narrated Abu Bakra:

The Prophet delivered to us a sermon on the Day of Nahr. He said, "Do you know what is the day today?" We said, "Allah and His Apostle know better." He remained silent till we thought that he might give that day another name. He said, "Isn't it the Day of Nahr?" We said, "It is." He further asked, "Which month is this?" We said, "Allah and His Apostle know better." He remained silent till we thought that he might give it another name. He then said, "Isn't it the month of Dhul-Hijja?" We replied: "Yes! It is." He further asked, "What town is this?" We replied, "Allah and His Apostle know it better." He remained silent till we thought that he might give it another name. He then said, "Isn't it the forbidden (Sacred) town (of Mecca)?" We said, "Yes. It is." He said, "No doubt, your blood and your properties are sacred to one another like the sanctity of this day of yours, in this month of yours, in this town of yours, till the day you meet your Lord. No doubt! Haven't I conveyed Allah's message to you? They said, "Yes." He said, "O Allah! Be witness. So it is incumbent upon those who are present to convey it (this information) to those who are absent because the informed one might comprehend it (what I have said) better than the present audience, who will convey it to him. Beware! Do not renegade (as) disbelievers after me by striking the necks (cutting the throats) of one another."

Band: 2, Buch: 26, Nummer: 798
Narrated Ibn 'Umar:

At Mina, the Prophet (p.b.u.h) said, "Do you know what is the day today?" The people replied, "Allah and His Apostle know it better." He said, "It is the forbidden (sacred) day. And do you know what town is this?" They replied, "Allah and His Apostle know it better." He said, "This is the forbidden (Sacred) town (Mecca). And do you know which month is this?" The people replied, "Allah and His Apostle know it better." He said, "This is the forbidden (sacred) month." The Prophet added, "No doubt, Allah made your blood, your properties, and your honor sacred to one another like the sanctity of this day of yours in this month of yours in this town of yours."

Band: 2, Buch: 26, Nummer: 799
Narrated Ibn 'Umar:

The Prophet permitted (them).

Band: 2, Buch: 26, Nummer: 800
Narrated Ibn 'Umar

That the Prophet allowed (as above).

Band: 2, Buch: 26, Nummer: 801
Narrated Ibn 'Umar:

Al-Abbas asked the permission from the Prophet to stay at Mecca during the nights of Mina in order to provide water to the people, so the Prophet allowed him.

Band: 2, Buch: 26, Nummer: 802
Narrated Wabra:

I asked Ibn 'Umar, "When should I do the Rami of the Jimar?" He replied, "When your leader does that." I asked him again the same question. He replied, "We used to wait till the sun declined and then we would do the Rami (i.e. on the 11th and 12th of Dhul-Hijja)."

Band: 2, Buch: 26, Nummer: 803
Narrated  Abdur-Rahman bin Yazid:

'Abdullah, did the Rami from the middle of the valley. So, I said, "O, Abu 'Abdur-Rahman! Some people do the Rami (of the Jamra) from above it (i.e. from the top of the valley)." He said, "By Him except whom none has the right to be worshipped, this is the place from where the one on whom Surat-al-Baqara was revealed (i.e. Allah's Apostle) did the Rami."

Band: 2, Buch: 26, Nummer: 804
Narrated  Abdur-Rahman bin Yazid:

When 'Abdullah, reached the big Jamra (i.e. Jamrat-ul-Aqaba) he kept the Ka'ba on the left side and Mina on his right side and threw seven pebbles (at the Jamra) and said, "The one on whom Surat-al-Baqara was revealed (i.e. the Prophet) had done the Rami similarly."

Ansicht von 205-216 von 235 Ahadith, Seite 18/20


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