 20.131. Und richte nur nicht deine Augen auf das, was Wir manchen von ihnen paarweise als Nießbrauch gewähren - den Glanz des diesseitigen Lebens -, um sie darin der Versuchung auszusetzen. Die Versorgung deines Herrn ist besser und beständiger. [ Ta Ha:131 ]
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Band: 3, Buch: 31, Nummer: 139 |
Narrated Al-Bara:
It was the custom among the companions of Muhammad that if any of them was fasting and the food was presented (for breaking his fast), but he slept before eating, he would not eat that night and the following day till sunset.
Qais bin Sirma-al-Ansari was fasting and came to his wife at the time of Iftar (breaking one's fast) and asked her whether she had anything to eat. She replied, "No, but I would go and bring some for you." He used to do hard work during the day, so he was overwhelmed by sleep and slept. When his wife came and saw him, she said, "Disappointment for you." When it was midday on the following day, he fainted and the Prophet was informed about the whole matter and the following verses were revealed: "You are permitted To go to your wives (for sexual relation) At the night of fasting." So, they were overjoyed by it. And then Allah also revealed: "And eat and drink Until the white thread Of dawn appears to you Distinct from the black thread (of the night)." (2.187)
Band: 3, Buch: 31, Nummer: 140 |
Narrated Adi bin Hatim:
When the above verses were revealed: 'Until the white thread appears to you, distinct from the black thread,' I took two (hair) strings, one black and the other white, and kept them under my pillow and went on looking at them throughout the night but could not make anything out of it. So, the next morning I went to Allah's Apostle and told him the whole story. He explained to me, "That verse means the darkness of the night and the whiteness of the dawn."
Band: 3, Buch: 31, Nummer: 141 |
Narrated Sahl bin Saud:
When the following verses were revealed: 'Eat and drink until the white thread appears to you, distinct from the black thread' and of dawn was not revealed, some people who intended to fast, tied black and white threads to their legs and went on eating till they differentiated between the two. Allah then revealed the words, 'of dawn', and it became clear that meant night and day.
Band: 3, Buch: 31, Nummer: 142 |
Narrated Aisha:
Bilal used to pronounce the Adhan at night, so Allah's Apostle? said, "Carry on taking your meals (eat and drink) till Ibn Um Maktum pronounces the Adhan, for he does not pronounce it till it is dawn.
Band: 3, Buch: 31, Nummer: 143 |
Narrated Sahl bin Sad:
I used to take my Suhur meals with my family and then hurry up for presenting myself for the (Fajr) prayer with Allah's Apostle.
Band: 3, Buch: 31, Nummer: 144 |
Narrated Anas:
Zaid bin Thabit said, "We took the Suhur with the Prophet . Then he stood for the prayer." I asked, "What was the interval between the Suhur and the Adhan?" He replied, "The interval was sufficient to recite fifty verses of the Quran."
Band: 3, Buch: 31, Nummer: 145 |
Narrated Abdullah:
The Prophet fasted for days continuously; the people also did the same but it was difficult for them. So, the Prophet forbade them (to fast continuously for more than one day). They slid, "But you fast without break (no food was taken in the evening or in the morning)." The Prophet replied, "I am not like you, for I am provided with food and drink (by Allah)."
Band: 3, Buch: 31, Nummer: 146 |
Narrated Anas bin Malik:
The Prophet said, "Take Suhur as there is a blessing in it."
Band: 3, Buch: 31, Nummer: 147 |
Narrated Salama bin Al-Akwa:
Once the Prophet ordered a person on 'Ashura' (the tenth of Muharram) to announce, "Whoever has eaten, should not eat any more, but fast, and who has not eaten should not eat, but complete his fast (till the end of the day).
Band: 3, Buch: 31, Nummer: 148 |
Narrated Aisha and Um Salama:
At times Allah's Apostle used to get up in the morning in the state of Janaba after having sexual relations with his wives. He would then take a bath and fast.
Band: 3, Buch: 31, Nummer: 149 |
Narrated Aisha:
The Prophet used to kiss and embrace (his wives) while he was fasting, and he had more power to control his desires than any of you. Said Jabir, "The person who gets discharge after casting a look (on his wife) should complete his fast."
Band: 3, Buch: 31, Nummer: 150 |
Narrated Hisham's father:
Aisha said, "Allah's Apostle used to kiss some of his wives while he was fasting," and then she smiled.