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43.88. Und bei seinem Ausspruch: "O mein Herr, gewiß, das sind Leute, die nicht glauben."

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 Buch: Military Expeditions led by the Prophet (pbuh) (Al-Maghaazi)
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Ansicht der Ahadith 457-465 von 465 Ahadith, Seite 39/39


[  Anfang    ...  35  36  37  38  39  ]

Band: 5, Buch: 59, Nummer: 741
Narrated Aisha and Ibn 'Abbas:

The Prophet stayed for ten years in Mecca with the Qur'an being revealed to him and he stayed in Medina for ten years.'

Band: 5, Buch: 59, Nummer: 742
Narrated  Aisha:

Allah 's Apostle died when he was sixty-three years of age.

Band: 5, Buch: 59, Nummer: 743
Narrated  Aisha:

The Prophet died while his armor was mortgaged to a Jew for thirty Sa's of barley.

Band: 5, Buch: 59, Nummer: 744
Narrated Salim's father:

The Prophet appointed Usama as the commander of the troops (to be sent to Syria). The Muslims spoke about Usama (unfavorably ). The Prophet said, " I have been informed that you spoke about Usama. (Let it be known that ) he is the most beloved of all people to me."

Band: 5, Buch: 59, Nummer: 745
Narrated Abdullah bin 'Umar:

Allah's Apostle sent troops appointed Usama bin Zaid as their commander. The people criticized his leadership. Allah's Apostle got up and said, "If you (people) are criticizing his (i.e. Usama's) leadership you used to criticize the leadership of his father before. By Allah, he (i.e. Zaid) deserved the leadership indeed, and he used to be one of the most beloved persons to me, and now this (i.e. his son, Usama) is one of the most beloved persons to me after him."

Band: 5, Buch: 59, Nummer: 746
Narrated Ibn Abu Habib:

Abu Al-Khair said, "As-Sanabih, I asked (me), 'When did you migrate?' I (i.e. Abu Al-Khair) said, 'We went out from Yemen as emigrants and arrived at Al-Juhfa, and there came a rider whom I asked about the news. The rider said: We buried the Prophet five days ago." I asked (As-Sanabihi), 'Did you hear anything about the night of Qadr?' He replied, 'Bilal, the Mu'adhdhin of the Prophet informed me that it is on one of the seven nights of the last ten days (of Ramadan)."

Band: 5, Buch: 59, Nummer: 747
Narrated Abu Ishaq:

I asked Zaid bin Al-Arqam, "In how many Ghazawat did you take part in the company of Allah's Apostle?" He replied, "Seventeen." I further asked, "How many Ghazawat did the Prophet fight?" He replied, "Nineteen."

Band: 5, Buch: 59, Nummer: 748
Narrated Al-Bara:

I fought fifteen Ghazawat in the company of the Prophet.

Band: 5, Buch: 59, Nummer: 749
Narrated Buraida:

That he fought sixteen Ghazawat with Allah's Apostle.

Ansicht von 457-465 von 465 Ahadith, Seite 39/39


[  Anfang    ...  35  36  37  38  39  ]