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30.9. Sind sie denn nicht auf der Erde umhergereist, so daß sie schauen (konnten), wie das Ende derjenigen war, die vor ihnen waren? Sie hatten eine stärkere Kraft als sie, pflügten und bevölkerten das Land noch mehr, als sie es bevölkerten. Und ihre Gesandten kamen zu ihnen mit den klaren Beweisen. Aber nimmer ist es Allah, der ihnen Unrecht getan hat, sondern sie selbst haben sich Unrecht zugefügt.

[ arRum:9 ]

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 Buch: To make the Heart Tender (Ar-Riqaq)
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Ansicht der Ahadith 109-120 von 173 Ahadith, Seite 10/15


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Band: 8, Buch: 76, Nummer: 529
Narrated Abu Huraira:

The Prophet said, "The people will be gathered in three ways: (The first way will be of) those who will wish or have a hope (for Paradise) and will have a fear (of punishment), (The second batch will be those who will gather) riding two on a camel or three on a camel or ten on a camel. (The third batch) the rest of the people will be urged to gather by the Fire which will accompany them at the time of their afternoon nap and stay with them where they will spend the night, and will be with them in the morning wherever they may be then, and will be with them in the afternoon wherever they may be then."

Band: 8, Buch: 76, Nummer: 530
Narrated Anas bin Malik:

A man said, "O Allah's Prophet! Will a Kafir (disbeliever) be gathered (driven prone) on his face?" The Prophet said, "Is not He Who made him walk with his legs in this world, able to make him walk on his face on the Day of Resurrection?" (Qatada, a sub-narrator said: Yes, (He can), by the Power of Our Lord!")

Band: 8, Buch: 76, Nummer: 531
Narrated Ibn Abbas:

The Prophet said, "You will meet Allah barefooted, naked, walking on feet, and uncircumcised."

Band: 8, Buch: 76, Nummer: 532
Narrated Ibn 'Abbas:

I heard Allah's Apostle while he was delivering a sermon on a pulpit, saying, "You will meet Allah barefooted, naked, and uncircumcised."

Band: 8, Buch: 76, Nummer: 533
Narrated Ibn 'Abbas:

The Prophet stood up among us and addressed (saying) "You will be gathered, barefooted, naked, and uncircumcised (as Allah says): 'As We began the first creation, We shall repeat it..' (21.104) And the first human being to be dressed on the Day of Resurrection will be (the Prophet) Abraham Al-Khalil. Then will be brought some men of my followers who will be taken towards the left (i.e., to the Fire), and I will say: 'O Lord! My companions whereupon Allah will say: You do not know what they did after you left them. I will then say as the pious slave, Jesus said, And I was witness over them while I dwelt amongst them..........(up to) ...the All-Wise.' (5.117-118). The narrator added: Then it will be said that those people (relegated from Islam, that is) kept on turning on their heels (deserted Islam).

Band: 8, Buch: 76, Nummer: 534
Narrated  Aisha:

Allah's Apostle said, "The people will be gathered barefooted, naked, and uncircumcised." I said, "O Allah's Apostle! Will the men and the women look at each other?" He said, "The situation will be too hard for them to pay attention to that."

Band: 8, Buch: 76, Nummer: 535
Narrated  Abdullah:

While we were in the company of the Prophet in a tent he said, ''Would it please you to be one fourth of the people of Paradise?" We said, "Yes." He said, "Would It please you to be one-third of the people of Paradise?" We said, "Yes." He said, "Would it please you to be half of the people of Paradise?" We said, "Yes." Thereupon he said, "I hope that you will be one half of the people of Paradise, for none will enter Paradise but a Muslim soul, and you people, in comparison to the people who associate others in worship with Allah, are like a white hair on the skin of a black ox, or a black hair on the skin of a red ox."

Band: 8, Buch: 76, Nummer: 536
Narrated Abu Huraira:

The Prophet said, "The first man to be called on the Day of Resurrection will be Adam who will be shown his offspring, and it will be said to them, 'This is your father, Adam.' Adam will say (responding to the call), 'Labbaik and Sa'daik' Then Allah will say (to Adam), 'Take out of your offspring, the people of Hell.' Adam will say, 'O Lord, how many should I take out?' Allah will say, 'Take out ninety-nine out of every hundred." They (the Prophet's companions) said, "O Allah's Apostle! If ninety-nine out of every one hundred of us are taken away, what will remain out of us?" He said, "My followers in comparison to the other nations are like a white hair on a black ox."

Band: 8, Buch: 76, Nummer: 537
Narrated Abu Said:

The Prophet said, "Allah will say, 'O Adam!. Adam will reply, 'Labbaik and Sa'daik (I respond to Your Calls, I am obedient to Your orders), wal Khair fi Yadaik (and all the good is in Your Hands)!' Then Allah will say (to Adam), Bring out the people of the Fire.' Adam will say, 'What (how many) are the people of the Fire?' Allah will say, 'Out of every thousand (take out) nine-hundred and ninety-nine (persons).' At that time children will become hoary-headed and every pregnant female will drop her load (have an abortion) and you will see the people as if they were drunk, yet not drunk; But Allah's punishment will be very severe."

That news distressed the companions of the Prophet too much, and they said, "O Allah's Apostle! Who amongst us will be that man (the lucky one out of one-thousand who will be saved from the Fire)?" He said, "Have the good news that one-thousand will be from Gog and Magog, and the one (to be saved will be) from you." The Prophet added, "By Him in Whose Hand my soul is, I Hope that you (Muslims) will be one third of the people of Paradise." On that, we glorified and praised Allah and said, "Allahu Akbar." The Prophet then said, "By Him in Whose Hand my soul is, I hope that you will be one half of the people of Paradise, as your (Muslims) example in comparison to the other people (non-Muslims), is like that of a white hair on the skin of a black ox, or a round hairless spot on the foreleg of a donkey."

Band: 8, Buch: 76, Nummer: 538
Narrated Ibn 'Umar:

The Prophet said (regarding the Verse), "A Day when all mankind will stand before the Lord of the Worlds,' (that day) they will stand, drowned in their sweat up to the middle of their ears."

Band: 8, Buch: 76, Nummer: 539
Narrated Abu Huraira :

Allah's Apostle said, "The people will sweat so profusely on the Day of Resurrection that their sweat will sink seventy cubits deep into the earth, and it will rise up till it reaches the people's mouths and ears."

Band: 8, Buch: 76, Nummer: 540
Narrated  Abdullah:

The Prophet said, "The cases which will be decided first (on the Day of Resurrection) will be the cases of blood-shedding. "

Ansicht von 109-120 von 173 Ahadith, Seite 10/15


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