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39.31. Hierauf werdet ihr am Tag der Auferstehung bei eurem Herrn miteinander streiten.

[ azZumar:31 ]

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 Kapitel: The Book of Purification (Kitab Al-Taharah)
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Ansicht der Ahadith 49-60 von 145 Ahadith, Seite 5/13


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Kapitel: 2, Nummer: 480
Abu Huraira reported the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: My people would come to me on the Cistern and I would drive away persons (from it) just as a person drives away other people's camels from his camels. They (the hearers) said: Apostle of Allah, would you recognize us? He replied: Yea, you would have a mark which other people will not have. You would come to me with a white blaze on your foreheads and white marks on your feet because of the traces of ablution. A group among you would be prevented from coming to me, and they would not meet me, and I would say: O my Lord, they are my companions. Upon this an angel would reply to me saying: Do you know what these people did after you.

Kapitel: 2, Nummer: 481
Hudhaifa reported: The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: My Cistern is bigger than the space between Aila and Aden. By Him in Whose Hand is my life, I will drive away persons (from it) just as a person drives away unknown camels from his cistern. They (the companions) said: Messenger of Allab, would you recognise us? He said: Yes, you would come to me with white faces, and white hands and feet on account of the traces of ablution. None but you would have (this mark).

Kapitel: 2, Nummer: 482
Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) came to the graveyard and said: Peace be upon you! the abode of the believing people and we, if God so wills, are about to join you. I love to see my brothers. They (the hearers) said: Arn't we your brothers-Messenger of Allah? He said: You are my companions, and our brothers are those who have, so far, not come into the world. They said: Messenger of Allah, how would you recognise those persons of your Ummah who have not yet been born? He said: Supposing a man had horses with white blazes on fore- heads and legs among horses which were all black, tell me, would he not recognise his own horses? They said: Certainly. Messenger of Allah. He said: They would come with white faces and arms and legs owing to ablution, and I would arrive at the Cistern before them. Some people would be driven away from my Cistern as the stray camel is driven away. I would call out. Come. come. Then it would be said (to me): These people changed themselves after you, and I would say: Be off, be off.

Kapitel: 2, Nummer: 483
Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah (may peace The upon him) went out to the graveyard and said: Peace be upon you, the abode of the believing people. and If Allah so wills we shall join you.... (and so on and so forth) like the hadith narrated by Isma'il b. Ja'far except the words of Malik: Then some persons would be driven away from my Cistern.

Kapitel: 2, Nummer: 484
Abu Hazim reported: I was (standing) behind Abu Huraira and he was performing the ablution for prayer. He extended the (washing) of his hand that it went up to his armpit. I said to him: O Abu Huraira, what is this ablution? He said: O of the tribe of Faruukh, you are here; if I knew that you were here, I would have never performed ablution like this; I have heard my Friend (may peace be upon him) say. In a believer adornment would reach the places where ablution reaches.

Kapitel: 2, Nummer: 485
Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: Should I not suggest to you that by which Allah obliterates the sins and elevates the ranks (of a man). They (the hearers) said: Yes, Messenger of Allah. He said: Performing the ablution thoroughly despite odds, tranverside of more paces towards the mosque, and waiting for the next prayer after observing a prayer, and that is mindfulness.

Kapitel: 2, Nummer: 486
This hadith has been narrated on the authority of Ali' b. 'Abd al-Rahman with the same chain of transmitters and there is no mention of the word of al-Ribat in the hadith transmitted by Shu'ba and in the badith narrated by Malik Ribat has been mentioned twice. This is the Ribat for you, this is the Ribat for you.

Kapitel: 2, Nummer: 487
Abu Huraira reported: The Apostle (may peace be upon him) said: Were it not that I might over-burden the believers-and in the hadith transmitted by Zuhair people -I would have ordered them to use toothstick at every time of prayer.

Kapitel: 2, Nummer: 488
Miqdam b. Shuraih narrated it from his father who said: I asked A'isha what Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) did first when he entered his house, and she replied: He used tooth-stick (first of all).

Kapitel: 2, Nummer: 489
'A'isha reported: Whenever Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) entered his house, he used tooth-stick first of all.

Kapitel: 2, Nummer: 490
Abu Musa reported: I went to the Apostle (may peace be upon him) and found one end of the tooth-stick upon his tongue (i. e. he was rinsing his mouth).

Kapitel: 2, Nummer: 491
Huddaifa reported: Whenever the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) got up for Tahajjud prayer, he cleansed his mouth with the tooth-stick.

Ansicht von 49-60 von 145 Ahadith, Seite 5/13


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