 21.84. Da erhörten Wir ihn und nahmen das Unheil, das auf ihm war, von ihm hinweg, und gaben ihm seine Angehörigen und noch einmal die gleiche Zahl dazu, aus Barmherzigkeit von Uns und als Ermahnung für diejenigen, die (Uns) dienen. [ alAmbiya':84 ]
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Übersicht Kapitel: The Book Pertaining to the Turmoil and Portents of the Last Hour (Kitab Al-Fitan wa Ashrat As-Sa'ah) |
Ansicht der Ahadith
1-12 von 177 Ahadith, Seite 1/15 |
[ 1 2 3 4 5 ... › Ende ] |
Kapitel: 41, Nummer: 6881 |
Zainab bint Jahsh reported that Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) got up from sleep saying: There is no god but Allah; there is a destruction in store for Arabia because of turmoil which is at hand, the barrier of Gog and Magog has opened so much. And Sufyan made a sign of ten with the help of his hand (in order to indicate the width of the gap) and I said: Allah's Messenger, would we be perished in spite of the fact that there would be good people amongst us? Thereupon he said: Of course, but only when the evil predominates.
Kapitel: 41, Nummer: 6882 |
This hadith has been narrated on the authority of Zainab bint Jahsh with a slight variation in the chain of transmitters.
Kapitel: 41, Nummer: 6883 |
Zainab bint Jahsh, the wife of Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him), reported that one day Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) came out in a state of excitement with his face quite red. And he was saying: There is no god but Allah; there is a destruction in store for Arabia beciuse of the turmoil which is near at hand as the barrier of Gog and Magog has been opened like it, and he (in order to explain it) made a ring with the help o his thumb and forefinger. I said: Allah's Messenger, would we be destroyed despite the fact that there would be pious people amongst us? He said: Yes, when the evil would predominate.
Kapitel: 41, Nummer: 6884 |
This hadith has been narrated oil the authority of Zuhri with a different chain of transmitters.
Kapitel: 41, Nummer: 6885 |
Abu Huraira reported Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) as saying: Today the wall (barrier) of Gog and Magog has been opened so much, and WUhaib (in order to explain it) made the figure of ninety with the help of his hand.
Kapitel: 41, Nummer: 6886 |
Harith b Abi Rabi'a and 'Abdullah b. Safwan both went to Umm Salama, the Mother of the Faithful, and they asked her about the army which would be sunk in the earth, and this relates to the time when Ibn Zubair (was the governor of Mecca). She reported that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) had said that a seeker of refuge would seek refuge in the Sacred House and an army would be sent to him (in order to kill him) and when it would enter a plain ground, it would be made to sink. I said: Allah's Messenger, what about him who would be made to accompany this army willy nilly? Thereupon he said: He would be made to sink along with them buf he would be raised on the Day of Resurrection on the basis of his intention. Abu Ja'far said. ' This plain, ground means the plain ground of Medina.
Kapitel: 41, Nummer: 6887 |
This hadith has been narrated on the authority of 'Abdullah b. Rufai, with the same chain of transmitters (but with the addition of these words): When I met Abu Ja'far I told him that she (simply) meant the plain ground. Thereupon Abu Ja'far said: No, by God, she meant the plain ground of Medina.
Kapitel: 41, Nummer: 6888 |
Abdullah b. Safwan reported that Hafsa told him that she had heard Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) as saying: An army would attack this House in order to fight against the inhabitants of this House and when it would be at the plain ground the ranks in the centre of the army would be sunk and the vanguard would call the rear flanks of the army and they would also be sunk and no flank would be left except some people who would go to inform them (their kith and kin). A person (who had been listening to this badith from Abdullah b. Safwan) said: I bear testimony in regard to you that you are not imputing a lie to Hafsa. And I bear testimony to the fact that Hafsa is not telling a lie about Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him).
Kapitel: 41, Nummer: 6889 |
Abdullah b. Safwan reported the Mother of the Faithful as saying that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: They would soon seek protection in this House, viz. Ka'ba (the defenceless), people who would have nothing to protect themselves in the shape of weapons or the strength of the people. An army would be sent to fight (and kill) them and when they would enter a plain ground the army would be sunk in it. Yiisuf (one of the narrators) said: It was a people of Syria (hordes of Hajjaj) who had been on that day comin. towards Mecca for an attack (on 'Abdulllah b. Zubair) and Abdullah b. Safwan said: By God, it does not imply this army.
Kapitel: 41, Nummer: 6890 |
'A'isha reported that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) was startled in the state of sleep. We said: Allah's Messenger, you have done something in the state of your sleep which you never did before, Thereupon he said: Strange it is that some, people of my Ummah would attack the House (Ka'ba) (for killing) a person who would belong to the tribe of the Quraish and he would try to seek protection in the House. And when they would reach the plain ground they would be sunk. We said: Allah's Messenger, all sorts of people throng the path. Thereupon he said: Yes, there would be amongst them people who would come with definite designs and those who would come under duress and there would be travellers also, but they would all be destroyed through one (stroke) of destruction. though they would be raised in different states (on the Day of Resurrection). Allah would, however, raise them according to their intention.
Kapitel: 41, Nummer: 6891 |
Usama reported that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) climbed up a battlement amongst the battlements of Medina and then said: You do not see what I am seeing and I am seeing the places of turmoil between your houses as tile places of rainfall.
Kapitel: 41, Nummer: 6892 |
This hadith has been narrated on the authority of Zuhri with the same chain of transmitters.
Ansicht von
1-12 von 177 Ahadith, Seite 1/15 |
[ 1 2 3 4 5 ... › Ende ] |